Thursday, March 25, 2021

Left To Climb, What You Know, What You Want, Blue Oceans To Create.Dances On The Sands Of Time, Pages To Write, Veterans To Date.

  Holymoly!It appears some mental issuers?Thinking, Seeing, Feelings, Doing, Steps To Take,Toward Changing, More Mountains, Left To Climb, What You Know, What You Want, Blue Oceans To Create.Dances On The Sands Of Time, Pages To Write, Veterans To Date.

Purple Knights. Tips. Time to shine, time to turn lights on, frogs and snakes racing for the darkness. Tricks and trades, movies at home to make, pieces of cake, ice cream to take.DANCES IN THE RAIN, WET AND ALIVE, WAVES ON WATER. 5 Monkeys, 5151: Made in America . Monkeys, 5151: Made in America .Magic Madness, Windows In Heaven: Sinners And Saints:Layers Of Lessons.What is the name for a group of cobras?

 Stronger for the classes.Black, White, Wholes In Heads, Coins To Play, Signs Of Good Times, Both Sides.Once Bitten By Snakes, Dances with Wolves.Long Ride: Cattle Crossing.Day after day the discovery of your personality…Brian Lee,Hindsight: 20-20. Oh What A Night.Appreciate the likes and comments but did any of y'all do anything? When We Were Young.

 Facebook, winners and losers, snakes and frogs, views to stop, good luck with that. Dicks with kids, dicks to fat to work, over the hill, over weight, health issues for the fat.Plenty Of Fish In The Seas, Tricks, Trades, Barter Wits And Charms. Dreams. Good Times. Notes. History Notes, Useful Lessons, Tests Over Time, Sinners And Saints, Faces In Darkness. 

Upland Freaks, Frogs, Suckers,Fags, Hags, Wigs And Caps Worn. ��������Adriana Agresti, Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago. Pages to turn, history to note, games with dogs, games with snakes, life and love, horns of a goat, love and hate, to change, by the minute.American Birds. Turkeys Birth of a bastard, birth of a king, Jesus Christ, super star. Cons And Pros.Oh What A Night.Appreciate the likes and comments but did any of y'all do anything? When We Were Young.

Dances In The Dark, Spiders And Snakes, Tips And Tales: History Noted.

NOTICE SORRY, YESTERDAY WAS THE DEADLINE FOR ALL COMPLAINTS.'White Privilege Ended in 1964-.I ain’t the one to gossip so you ain’t heard it from me .Attitude is everything.A good attitude can open a window of opportunity.A bad attitude can close a door to fortune.Approach every situation with the proper attitude.

Trips To The Blue Worlds, Trips To The Moon And Back, Games For Peter Pan, Daily Events. Darkness In The Nines, Blue Stars To Shoot: Daily Stars ðŸ˜®ðŸŒŠðŸŒŠðŸŒˆEVERYONE IS STRUGGLING WITH SOMETHING, SOME PEOPLE ARE JUST BETTER AT HIDING It.

Love, lights, lessons, lucky breaks, dances in the streets, faces in the crowds, stars are born, hits and misses. Cards to play, hats to wear, coins to flip, clowns to the right, jokers to the left, stuck in the middle, slow, simple and stupid, joy and pain, pebbles on the shores.

YouTube.Snakes Gone,OLD MEMORIES . Notes from a sinner or saint, third party views,lights on in the dark. EVERYONE IS STRUGGLING WITH SOMETHING, SOME PEOPLE ARE JUST BETTER AT HIDING.Oh What A Night.Appreciate the likes and comments but did any of y'all do anything? When We Were Young.
 Facebook, winners and losers, snakes and frogs, views to stop, good luck with that. Dicks with kids, dicks to fat to work, over the hill, over weight, health issues for the fat.Plenty Of Fish In The Seas, Tricks, Trades, Barter Wits And Charms. Dreams. Good Times. Notes. History Notes, Useful Lessons, Tests Over Time, Sinners And Saints, Faces In Darkness. 

Love, lights, lessons, lucky breaks, dances in the streets, faces in the crowds, stars are born, hits and misses. Cards to play, hats to wear, coins to flip, clowns to the right, jokers to the left, stuck in the middle, slow, simple and stupid, joy and pain, pebbles on the shores.

Rabbits, rats, roaches, faces of people, faces of frogs, faces of dicks and dawgs, family affairs, rednecks, retards, rejects, how many in a house, lots of lover between the beans and franks. BE KIND .SHOW RESPECT TO ALL MEN AND WOMEN, BUT GROVEL TO NONE

 Facebook, winners and losers, snakes and frogs, views to stop, good luck with that. Dicks with kids, dicks to fat to work, over the hill, over weight, health issues for the fat.Plenty Of Fish In The Seas, Tricks, Trades, Barter Wits And Charms. Dreams. Good Times. Notes. History Notes, Useful Lessons, Tests Over Time, Sinners And Saints, Faces In Darkness. 

Rabbits, rats, roaches, faces of people, faces of frogs, faces of dicks and dawgs, family affairs, rednecks, retards, rejects, how many in a house, lots of lover between the beans and franks. BE KIND .SHOW RESPECT TO ALL MEN AND WOMEN, BUT GROVEL TO NONE

 Facebook, winners and losers, snakes and frogs, views to stop, good luck with that. Dicks with kids, dicks to fat to work, over the hill, over weight, health issues for the fat.Plenty Of Fish In The Seas, Tricks, Trades, Barter Wits And Charms. Dreams. Good Times. Notes. History Notes, Useful Lessons, Tests Over Time, Sinners And Saints, Faces In Darkness. 

Steve Harvey Tweeted: Trust me on this.NOTICE SORRY, YESTERDAY WAS THE DEADLINE FOR ALL COMPLAINTS.'White Privilege Ended in 1964-.I ain’t the one to gossip so you ain’t heard it from me .Attitude is everything.

- Only once in a lifetime, trapped in a den of snakes, crooks and robbers. Horse and pony shows, dances in the dark, stuck in a coffin, eaten alive. Dancing Circles On Beaches: Wind Moves Sunny News....Sunsets Daily Gifts, On the Sands Of Time, dances for joy, dances at the end of day.More Mountains, Left To Climb, What You Know, What You Want, Blue Oceans To Create.Dances On The Sands Of Time, Pages To Write, Veterans To Date.
May be an image of outdoors and text that says 'Behold father, itis is I standing in your church.'

Right or wrong, good or evil, friends to yellow snakes. Alas choices, high roads taken, for poker players.Purple Knights. Tips. Time to shine, time to turn lights on, frogs and snakes racing for the darkness. Tricks and trades, movies at home to make, pieces of cake, ice cream to take.DANCES IN THE RAIN, WET AND ALIVE, WAVES ON WATER. 5 Monkeys, 5151: Made in America . Monkeys, 5151: Made in America .Magic Madness, Windows In Heaven: Sinners And Saints:Layers Of Lessons.What is the name for a group of cobras?
May be an image of one or more people and text that says 'I matured when I realized that not every situation needs my reaction. Sometimes you just have to leave people do the dumb shit they want to do.'

“Tinkerbelle Melody” VETERANS. PTSD Marines Guns.Rednecks And Birds. Snakes in the grass, dick out of the box, suckers to fuck, suckers to prey on veterans, third party views, Cattlecall Notes; Greener Grass?More Mountains, Left To Climb, What You Know, What You Want, Blue Oceans To Create.Dances On The Sands Of Time, Pages To Write, Veterans To Date.

Purple Knights. Tips. Time to shine, time to turn lights on, frogs and snakes racing for the darkness. Tricks and trades, movies at home to make, pieces of cake, ice cream to take.DANCES IN THE RAIN, WET AND ALIVE, WAVES ON WATER. 5 Monkeys, 5151: Made in America . Monkeys, 5151: Made in America .Magic Madness, Windows In Heaven: Sinners And Saints:Layers Of Lessons.What is the name for a group of cobras?

Before The Knights, Kings, And Lions, Monkeys In Packs, Donkey Dates, Free Dinner. Chabad of Rancho Mirage - The Torah Oasis.Housing.Lesson, Blessings, Seasons Of Love, Luck, Reasons. Cheers, Chaps, Dances With Veterans:Glory Dazes To Come, Walking On Sunshine....Through resilient outreach, state-wide collaborative, strong partnerships, advocacy, and services for all California veterans.
May be an image of one or more people, people playing football and text

HAVE TO SAY, THIS IS A PROBLEM FOR THE VETERANS THAT I KNOW, TO FIND HOUSES TO LIVE IN. 100 PERCENT VETERANS, STILL ON THE STREETS, WITH LOTS OF CASH, AND LOTS OF BAD LUCK, FINDING PLACES TO RENT, AND BUY.Bought a chicken to make sandwiches. It doesn't. When you accept a friend request on Facebook and immediately hear the messenger ping uuuuuuuuuuuccckkkk'


Saturday, March 20, 2021

NOTICE SORRY, YESTERDAY WAS THE DEADLINE FOR ALL COMPLAINTS.'White Privilege Ended in 1964-.I ain’t the one to gossip so you ain’t heard it from me .Attitude is everything.

  Don't be afraid to shine, the world needs your light. GABBY BERNSTEIN'.You appeared before my eyes sparkly like a wonder. Day after day the discovery of your personality…Brian Lee,Hindsight: 20-20. Oh What A Night.

Joy comes in the morning, Christmas every day, birthdays also, peace, love, and happiness to follow. Today, Tomorrow?With an open mind, sometimes it's hard not to see evil. Share your defiance:Eyes In The Sky. THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY✰Paths Crossed: Trades.Very nice to meet you.

The possibilities are endless for the things that I want. I just want a piece of the sky every day. Forever and a day, in the moment, with the start at now in the present. Not a dream real life. Ready for the best, that is still on the edge to happening today.
May be an image of one or more people and people standing

Will you walk with me, climb this mountain, questions up in the air. 'I am a spiritual Divine soul I will not shrink myself for souls who will not understand me. I am divine. I am powerful. I am light. Lovo'.Rats To Races: Games Played.Horse And Pony Shows". Diana Ross "Touch Me In The Morning"who I am...Now you can figure it out if you don't already know...

Wings To fly away, cons and pros.HELPS COPE WITH MY MENTAL HEALTH SO THANK YOU.
Wings To fly away, cons and pros.HELPS COPE WITH MY MENTAL HEALTH SO THANK YOU.
Wishes On Stars, Bailey Battles, Right, Wrong, Twists And Turns, Castles In The Sky.Every mind is its own world. Gain happiness. Politic.....

 Cycles, circles, coins, cards, cons, cattle.“Partner with a Nigeria News Update Website and get the privilege of being paid each time you share a post on your Facebook or watch videos, view a post on the website, create a post, and login to the website.

Lucky Stars:Dark Skies.Rats To Roaches, Good Time Toads, Faces In The Crowds, Heads To ...The Temptations And The Four Tops..Party views, third party, fourth party, more party views to come, lights to turn on, history to note, lovers and haters, hard to tell.Wishing everyone a peaceful weekend. Many blessings.

May be a meme of 1 person and text that says 'When the gross bitch you've been fucking actually gives you her tax return and says "What's next?" Pattycake pattycake, microwave'

Sadly some people do not really want to be healed at a subconscious level. They have perhaps found some benefit in remaining...By letting each thing act in accordance with its own nature. Everything that needs to be done gets done. W e I r d= wonderful:Exciting: interesting: Real: Different. Yes I am weird always, you? Love or hate.Hello, Giggles.

It should never matter what prayer rituals we say from within our heart, It should never matter what sacred ceremonies we perform to give respect and honor to the one, it will never matter what name we have for the one who created all things.

May be an image of outdoors and text

Wokester Capitalism, Jeff Bezos Style

David Stockman,They lied to your Grandparents, which means your Grandparents lied to your Parents, in turn means your parents lied to YOU... and if you don't wake up to the truth you're going to lie to your Children! Generations of passing down lies is why we're still suffering! Wake-up My people!'

Reminder that St. Valentine did not lose his head so that humanity may abuse his feast to fornicate.Return to tradition and pray to him so you may retain your virginity until you will enter a blessed marriage.“A saint is not someone who never sins, but one who sins less and less frequently and gets up more and more quickly.” - St. Bernard de Clairvaux.

America’s Elites Want a Racial Apocalypse

Joel Kotkin,Family Affairs, Frogs Kissed, Blasts In The Past, Lessons Learned.Seasons, Reasons, Causes Tips And Tales, Monkey Year 2016, Madness Returns. Time to restore, hands to hearts, hearts to hands, good times to dances, beaches and life on the sands.

TIME TO TURN THE PAGE:Once Bitten By Snakes, Dances with Wolves. I was smiling yesterday, I'm smiling today, and I will smile tomorrow simply 'cause life… Was not expecting that... GROOVE! Blue Dreams In Motions: Dances On Time: Rewards 2.Bless this spirit and shine. 'HER:JESUS CHRIST oH MY GOD JESUS: YES I'M HERE HER: RIGHT THERE JESUS FUCKIN CHRIST JESUS:HUH HER:DON'T STOP... DEEPER JESUS:SAY WHAT HER:IM ABOUT ΤΟ CUM OMG @KINGPETTY83 FUCKIS GOING ON HERE'

What Could Go Awry?

Charles Hugh Smith,They lied to your Grandparents, which means your Grandparents lied to your Parents, in turn means your parents lied to YOU... and if you don't wake up to the truth you're going to lie to your Children! Generations of passing down lies is why we're still suffering! Wake-up My people!'

 Cycles, circles, coins, cards, cons, cattle.“Partner with a Nigeria News Update Website and get the privilege of being paid each time you share a post on your Facebook or watch videos, view a post on the website, create a post, and login to the website.

It should never matter what prayer rituals we say from within our heart, It should never matter what sacred ceremonies we perform to give respect and honor to the one, it will never matter what name we have for the one who created all things.

Facts Emerging from Derek Chauvin’s Trial Contradict Media’s Account of the Incident

Paul Craig Roberts,Family Affairs, Frogs Kissed, Blasts In The Past, Lessons Learned.Seasons, Reasons, Causes Tips And Tales, Monkey Year 2016, Madness Returns. Time to restore, hands to hearts, hearts to hands, good times to dances, beaches and life on the sands.

It should never matter what prayer rituals we say from within our heart, It should never matter what sacred ceremonies we perform to give respect and honor to the one, it will never matter what name we have for the one who created all things.

It’s Time To Focus on the Enemy Within, Not Without

Paul Gottfried,It should never matter what prayer rituals we say from within our heart, It should never matter what sacred ceremonies we perform to give respect and honor to the one, it will never matter what name we have for the one who created all things.

Massive Range of Underwater Volcanoes Heating the World’s Oceans

Robert W. Felix, Cycles, circles, coins, cards, cons, cattle.“Partner with a Nigeria News Update Website and get the privilege of being paid each time you share a post on your Facebook or watch videos, view a post on the website, create a post, and login to the website.

Soccer Moms Might Turn on Biden if They Learn He’s Attacking Their Homes

Andrea Widburg, Strangers.Three things you should never break: Promises, Trust, and Someone's Heart.Heaven On Earth.To The Delete Lover May the Fleas of a Thousand Camels infest your armpits. Just saying, it would be nice.Thank you so much, Lord. Beyond blessed.

Reminder that St. Valentine did not lose his head so that humanity may abuse his feast to fornicate.Return to tradition and pray to him so you may retain your virginity until you will enter a blessed marriage.“A saint is not someone who never sins, but one who sins less and less frequently and gets up more and more quickly.” - St. Bernard de Clairvaux.

The Global Debt Problem

Alasdair Macleod,It should never matter what prayer rituals we say from within our heart, It should never matter what sacred ceremonies we perform to give respect and honor to the one, it will never matter what name we have for the one who created all things.

Ukraine Redux: War, Russophobia and Pipelineistan

The deep state/NATO combo’s using Kiev to start a war to bury Nord Stream 2 and German-Russian relations. Pepe Escobar,Sadly some people do not really want to be healed at a subconscious level. They have perhaps found some benefit in remaining...By letting each thing act in accordance with its own nature. Everything that needs to be done gets done. W e I r d= wonderful:Exciting: interesting: Real: Different. Yes I am weird always, you? Love or hate.Hello, Giggles.

Archegos & Credit Suisse – Tip of the Iceberg

Egon von Greyerz,Shopping with Google helps you find whatever you’re looking for… like hair dye for your true colors.Lucky Stars:Dark Skies.Rats To Roaches, Good Time Toads, Faces In The Crowds, Heads To ...The Temptations And The Four Tops..Party views, third party, fourth party, more party views to come, lights to turn on, history to note, lovers and haters, hard to tell.Wishing everyone a peaceful weekend. Many blessings.

Keeping Liberty Alive in an Age of ‘Coronavistas’

Jeff Minick. Strangers.Three things you should never break: Promises, Trust, and Someone's Heart.Heaven On Earth.To The Delete Lover May the Fleas of a Thousand Camels infest your armpits. Just saying, it would be nice.Thank you so much, Lord. Beyond blessed.

Reminder that St. Valentine did not lose his head so that humanity may abuse his feast to fornicate.Return to tradition and pray to him so you may retain your virginity until you will enter a blessed marriage.“A saint is not someone who never sins, but one who sins less and less frequently and gets up more and more quickly.” - St. Bernard de Clairvaux.

Time for a Divorce

The Z-Man,Family Affairs, Frogs Kissed, Blasts In The Past, Lessons Learned.Seasons, Reasons, Causes Tips And Tales, Monkey Year 2016, Madness Returns. Time to restore, hands to hearts, hearts to hands, good times to dances, beaches and life on the sands.

They lied to your Grandparents, which means your Grandparents lied to your Parents, in turn means your parents lied to YOU... and if you don't wake up to the truth you're going to lie to your Children! Generations of passing down lies is why we're still suffering! Wake-up My people!'

 It's Still Rock and Roll To Me .Breaking the Silence :Understand Normal Thinking! Cheers And Chaps .Twist and shout Thursday.Shopping with Google helps you find whatever you’re looking for… like hair dye for your true colors.

Sadly some people do not really want to be healed at a subconscious level. They have perhaps found some benefit in remaining...By letting each thing act in accordance with its own nature. Everything that needs to be done gets done. W e I r d= wonderful:Exciting: interesting: Real: Different. Yes I am weird always, you? Love or hate.Hello, Giggles.

It's Still Rock and Roll To Me .Breaking the Silence :Understand Normal Thinking! Cheers And Chaps .Twist and shout Thursday.Lucky Stars:Dark Skies.Rats To Roaches, Good Time Toads, Faces In The Crowds, Heads To ...The Temptations And The Four Tops..Party views, third party, fourth party, more party views to come, lights to turn on, history to note, lovers and haters, hard to tell.Wishing everyone a peaceful weekend. Many blessings.

You crazy! '3 THINGS ΤΟ KNOW IN LIFE .NEVER BEG ANYONE. NEVER TRUST NO ONE EVER .EXPECT ANYTHIN FROM ANYBODY'.Gang bang treats, dicks and dawgs, heads to count, steers, queers, fags and hags, family affairs, for such a nice night and beautiful holiday decorations! Your such a sweetheart Lulu! I love spending time talking with you always! God Bless you beautiful Lulu!! Xxoo.Sheri Gerstein Jarrot, tricks, trades, treats, cattle calls, bitches in heat, ways to grow, dances between the sheets, fags,hags, steers, queers, family affairs, heads to count.

Long Ride: Cattle Crossing. Upland Freaks, Frogs, Suckers,Fags, Hags, Wigs And Caps Worn. Pages in a book, tips to share, stores of stories to recaps.Ms 411 Daily Tips For Today. "SEE JUST HOW THEY ARE LIVIN":Snakes In Grass. Frog Faces.NY: Frank Agresti. Fingers in the air, sit and spin, American Birds. Brian Lee,Hindsight: 20-20. Oh What A Night.
Turkeys Birth of a bastard, birth of a king, Jesus Christ, super star, common sto...Pinoy Rap Radio with Justin Wee...Fairy tales,Beach Bum on a path to self-discovery:��������Stronger for the classes.Black, White, Wholes In Heads, .Winners And Losers, Sinners And Saints, Glory Dazes To Come. ON THE RUN.Nuts, retards, crooks, liars, cheaters, cows to call home. Brian Lee,Hindsight: 20-20. Oh What A Night.
Free rides for sluts, slugs, snakes 2 ��������Fairy tales,Beach Bum on a path to self-discovery:��������Stronger for the classes.Black, White, Wholes In Heads, Coins To Play, Signs Of Good Times, Both Sides.Once Bitten By Snakes, Dances with Wolves.Long Ride: Cattle Crossing.Day after day the discovery of your personality…Brian Lee,Hindsight: 20-20. Oh What A Night.
Upland Freaks, Frogs, Suckers,Fags, Hags, Wigs And Caps Worn. ��������Adriana Agresti, Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago. Pages to turn, history to note, games with dogs, games with snakes, life and love, horns of a goat, love and hate, to change, by the minute.American Birds. Turkeys Birth of a bastard, birth of a king, Jesus Christ, super star. Cons And Pros.

Dances In The Dark, Spiders And Snakes, Tips And Tales: History Noted.

NOTICE SORRY, YESTERDAY WAS THE DEADLINE FOR ALL COMPLAINTS.'White Privilege Ended in 1964-.I ain’t the one to gossip so you ain’t heard it from me .Attitude is everything.A good attitude can open a window of opportunity.A bad attitude can close a door to fortune.Approach every situation with the proper attitude.

Trips To The Blue Worlds, Trips To The Moon And Back, Games For Peter Pan, Daily Events. Darkness In The Nines, Blue Stars To Shoot: Daily Stars ðŸ˜®ðŸŒŠðŸŒŠðŸŒˆEVERYONE IS STRUGGLING WITH SOMETHING, SOME PEOPLE ARE JUST BETTER AT HIDING It.

Love, lights, lessons, lucky breaks, dances in the streets, faces in the crowds, stars are born, hits and misses. Cards to play, hats to wear, coins to flip, clowns to the right, jokers to the left, stuck in the middle, slow, simple and stupid, joy and pain, pebbles on the shores.

YouTube.Snakes Gone,OLD MEMORIES . Notes from a sinner or saint, third party views,lights on in the dark. EVERYONE IS STRUGGLING WITH SOMETHING, SOME PEOPLE ARE JUST BETTER AT HIDING

Rabbits, rats, roaches, faces of people, faces of frogs, faces of dicks and dawgs, family affairs, rednecks, retards, rejects, how many in a house, lots of lover between the beans and franks. BE KIND .SHOW RESPECT TO ALL MEN AND WOMEN, BUT GROVEL TO NONE

 Facebook, winners and losers, snakes and frogs, views to stop, good luck with that. Dicks with kids, dicks to fat to work, over the hill, over weight, health issues for the fat.Plenty Of Fish In The Seas, Tricks, Trades, Barter Wits And Charms. Dreams. Good Times. Notes. History Notes, Useful Lessons, Tests Over Time, Sinners And Saints, Faces In Darkness. 

Rabbits, rats, roaches, faces of people, faces of frogs, faces of dicks and dawgs, family affairs, rednecks, retards, rejects, how many in a house, lots of lover between the beans and franks. BE KIND .SHOW RESPECT TO ALL MEN AND WOMEN, BUT GROVEL TO NONE

 Facebook, winners and losers, snakes and frogs, views to stop, good luck with that. Dicks with kids, dicks to fat to work, over the hill, over weight, health issues for the fat.Plenty Of Fish In The Seas, Tricks, Trades, Barter Wits And Charms. Dreams. Good Times. Notes. History Notes, Useful Lessons, Tests Over Time, Sinners And Saints, Faces In Darkness. 

Steve Harvey Tweeted: Trust me on this.NOTICE SORRY, YESTERDAY WAS THE DEADLINE FOR ALL COMPLAINTS.'White Privilege Ended in 1964-.I ain’t the one to gossip so you ain’t heard it from me .Attitude is everything.

Rabbits, rats, roaches, faces of people, faces of frogs, faces of dicks and dawgs, family affairs, rednecks, retards, rejects, how many in a house, lots of lover between the beans and franks. BE KIND .SHOW RESPECT TO ALL MEN AND WOMEN, BUT GROVEL TO NONE

 Facebook, winners and losers, snakes and frogs, views to stop, good luck with that. Dicks with kids, dicks to fat to work, over the hill, over weight, health issues for the fat.Plenty Of Fish In The Seas, Tricks, Trades, Barter Wits And Charms. Dreams. Good Times. Notes. History Notes, Useful Lessons, Tests Over Time, Sinners And Saints, Faces In Darkness.